Creating a garden in a yard that has limited space available can be a bit difficult. Fortunately, there are some plants that can be grown vertically to allow you to make the most of the space that you have available to you. The following guide walks you through the process of using chain link fencing to create a lattice for your garden.
Determine the Layout
The first thing you need to do is consider the layout for your garden. You want the tallest plants that need the most sunlight to be planted on the east end of the garden so that they will get the most direct sunlight throughout the day. Use vegetable skewers to identify where the four corners of the garden will be and then use a tape measure to measure the garden. Place another skewer to identify the start or end of each row at every two to three feet along the sides of the garden.
Add Post Holes
Use the tape measure to find the center of each row. Place a skewer at the center of each row where you want to have the lattice placed. Dig a hole that is large enough for your chain link fence post at each end of the row and at the center. The hole needs to be about foot deep.
Create the Bases
Mix ready-mix concrete by following the directions that are listed on the bag and fill each hole with the concrete to create bases to keep the fence from falling over from the weight of the plants that will be growing on it.
Cut the Fencing
Measure how long each row is and then unroll the chain link fencing, which can be obtained from places like Paradise Fencing. Measure the fencing and use bolt cutters to cut the fencing to the exact size of each row. The bolt cutters will allow you to snap through the links quickly and easily.
Attach the Fencing
Use fencing brackets to secure the fencing to the posts. You want to be sure to start at the end of the row so that you can pull the fencing taut as you attach it to the end post.
Once you have created your lattices, you can plant your vegetables. As they grow, lace peas, green beans, watermelon, zucchini, cucumbers, and even squash through the links of the fence. Use old t-shirts to create hammocks for watermelons by tying them to the fencing as they grow to ensure that the vines do not tear or rip from the weight. Tomatoes can be secured to the fencing with tomato ties, as well.