What to Do if You Find a Wasp's Nest on Your Property


Wasps can be a problem around houses, especially during the summer months when the wasp population is at its highest. Unfortunately, if you spot a wasp's nest on your property, it can be challenging to know how to deal with it without putting yourself in harm's way. This blog is going to explore what to do if you find a wasp's nest on your property, as well as the best ways to keep yourself and your family safe from stings.

Step 1: Assess the situation
Before you do anything, it's essential to assess the situation and the risks involved. If you have a small nest that's relatively low to the ground or in an obscure area, you may be able to safely remove it with some protective clothing. But, if the nest is located in a difficult-to-reach spot, you may want to call in a professional pest control company. If you or somebody in your household is allergic to wasp stings, it's best to call a professional service to avoid any hazards.

Step 2: Protective clothing
If you decide to remove the nest yourself, it's essential to wear the right protective clothing to avoid being stung. Gloves and a hat are a must, as well as a long-sleeved shirt and trousers tucked into socks; this will prevent wasps from getting under clothing and causing severe injury.

Step 3: Removing the nest
Removing the nest entirely is straightforward if you're confident to do so. Cover the nest with a plastic bag, ensuring it's tight around the base, and snip it off from where it's attached to your property. Once separated, place it in another plastic bag, seal it tightly, and dispose of it immediately.

Step 4: Keep surveillance
Once you've removed the nest, keeping surveillance is essential to ensure the wasps don't come back. Wasps will not use an old nest, so ensure you get rid of it and then monitor the area for stragglers for a few days. Should you find any, get them removed professionally before they build another nest.

Step 5: Prevention techniques
There are several ways to prevent wasps from returning, such as using deterrents or covering sugary drinks and food. You can minimize the likelihood of having wasp nests on your property by reducing sources of food by carefully placing lids on bins and cleaning them regularly. Don't forget to block off small entry points, such as gaps in roof tiles or cavities.

Coming across a wasp nest on your property can be disconcerting, but now you have the knowledge to deal with them safely. Assess the risks, always protect yourself with the right clothing, and choose the right tactics to get the nest removed. Keep watch and continue to take preventative measures to stop the wasps from returning. Remember, if you or anybody in your family is allergic to wasp stings, it's always best to call in a pest control professional to keep you safe.

Contact a local company to learn more about wasp control.
