7 August 2016
If you have decided to totally DIY your own landscaping, and you have never done anything close to landscape work or gardening, you may have that "deer in headlights" look right about now. There is likely an aisle and a wall dedicated to landscaping and garden tools at your nearest hardware or big box store. How are you supposed to choose what you need? Can you identify any of these tools and what they do, beyond calling something a shovel or hoe?
7 August 2016
If you have purchased a home that has a beautiful exterior except for an old, faded metal roof, then you might take it upon yourself to paint it. This is helpful because it will improve the way the exterior of your house looks without actually requiring you to get a new roof. Metal roofs tend to last a long time, so repainting is your best option. Here are some tips for repainting your metal roof.
7 August 2016
If you have children, you might have to plan very carefully as to how you are going to manage to keep up on yard work. You likely have a ton of work on your plate, and yard work might not be at the top of your to do list. However, if you manage to squeeze an hour or two of lawn maintenance into your schedule, you are going to need to take precautions to make sure that you don't accidentally put your kids in danger while mowing the lawn.
7 August 2016
You want to enjoy your yard year-round, right? Some of the steps are obvious, such as installing a fire pit for warmth in the cooler months. Perhaps you've already assembled comfortable furniture on your patio as well. That said, having a pretty vista year-round is another goal. Plant perennials and trees that will allow your yard to look attractive no matter the month. Spring Plants Naturally any annuals you plant in spring are going to look beautiful at this time, and augmenting your permanent landscaping this way is certainly a recommendation.
15 July 2016
Have a space in your room that is somewhat on the blah side? Consider adding a statement piece. Statement pieces are often simple in stature, but their level of appeal and style is tremendous. A framed mirror can serve as an excellent statement piece with the right touch. Here are just some of the things you can do to transform a framed mirror into stylish statement piece. Incorporate Texture Consider adding some texture to the mirror.